Saturday, April 19, 2008

Day 18: On our own

You know what.
I did take my clomid. But i did not visit the doctor last saturday as i'm supposed to.

I didn't feel like going at all. I just feel like the doctor is not helping much. She does not give me thorough explanation and she doesn't motivate me at all. She's just rush rush rush.....all the time.
I dread to go there really. Plus, the jabs and all the consultation is so costly.....yet it did not work. It is not sure fire. So after much consideration, we've decided to try it on our own this month. Lets just try our best and see if anything happens.....Am not going to the doctors this round. If it doesnt work....maybe we'll go back in May.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Clomid Day 4

I've been taking clomid since 3rd April, Thursday. At 1.30am later i'd be taking my 4th dosage.
So far everything seems normal. Except that i've develop a pretty severe migraine headache since Saturday and its been a nagging pain on and off till now. I'm so tempted to pop a panadol but decided against it. I don't like the idea of having mix medicines inside of me.
Besides clomid, im currently taking folic acid pills, vitamin C 1000mg, Multivites(alternate days), cod liver oil pills, spirulina pill...
God help me please. Only you can help me. Let it happen this round.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Clomid Round # 2 : Clomid day 1 (on Period Day 2)

My dear babies,

I guess, mummy won't be expecting you guys this year after all. So much for desiring a 2008 December baby. I thought that if we were successful this time around, there is a big chance of having a christmas baby! But, it was not meant to be.
Mummy was all lethargic yesterday......but more even emotionally lethargic.
Daddy wasn't much of a help, he was busy with work as usual and did not even spend time with mummy to console me for God knows I was feeling so so low.
You know, I feel so alone in this. Although I know he wants you as bad as i do....
but daddy is just not the sensitive kind. And he mentioned something last that "i guess getting pregnant is only easy in movies".... which kinda bruised my heart even more. But i kept it inside and did not show my sorrow. I do not want things to get emotionally strained. I'm already down in the pitts.....I can spare myself more agony.


In fact, I've been having this cramps since about a week ago. Little cramps on the womb area. I was concerned what could it be. Could it be implantation? because during implantation, there are cramps too. I've never had cramps a week before my period. This time i have it ( could be because of clomid or the HCG shot i dont know) The period cramps on my first day was horrible. It felt very sourish and nagging pain. My flow was heavy even on the 1st day. Today is the 2nd day and the cramp still didn't go away, which usually does. And still very heavy flow.... My period cramps, if any, usually only happens on the 1st day. Today, day 2 and still very crampy. I feel tired. Extremely exhausted. I do not have the mood to do anything.....I feel emotionally drained and strained. The thought of having to go through clomid and doctor visits and jabs...and planned sex seems such a chore. I feel like crying....though my heart eyes shed dry tears.

I'm a strong person. I can go through this. I can handle this........ I kept telling myself.
I thank God for blogs, i can write down my thoughts and need not keep them to myself else i would go crazy and my mind would explode with overloaded worries.

Well, lets hope for more follicles and pray for twins. I hope i can handle this. Ganbate mommy!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day 30: A splash of cold water

Dear babies,

Word could not express how devastated i feel right now.
Its Day 30 today and my period came. And all my hopes to welcome you into this world this year came crumbling down into ashes. My heart aches. It hurts so bad you couldn't believe. I have no one to confide to except your daddy. Part of mummy want to put the blame on daddy......heck i want to blame everything on him so that I am not to be blamed.

Well, at least the Period came on time and save me from hoping even more. At least we could start all over again. Clomid cycle 2 here i come. I guess i have to visit my doctor again tomorrow to get another doze of clomid.